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Monday, September 17, 2012

#40 - Rotting

For those of you who plays League of Legends,
This is to the supports out there!
Strive on!
Continue giving the best you can,
And expect nothing in return!
One day,
Your deeds might be recognized,
It's only a matter of time,
No matter how long it may take,
It will come eventually.


Results are coming out already?
Rumors though,
I'm scaredddddddddddddd!
Hope it doesn't give me a fatal heart attack.
Wish the sight of it can be pleasing to my eyes. 
>>>>> @_@ <<<<<

I'm basically rotting my days at home during the holidays.
Nowhere to go,
Nothing to do.
Prolly be another month before I can see my girl again as well...
The thought of it just makes me,
The thought about the days ahead,
Nvm let's not think about that.

A slight chance that I'll head over to my cousin's to stay tomorrow,
We'll see.
Hope I can meet my girl for a day between these two weeks as well..
This ''Missing her" feeling is hard to bear,
But I don't have a choice.
No one will ever understand how much it's killing me,
Slowly and quietly.
I really hope I can see her more often during the holidays ): .
Hope she's feeling the same way as well.
For her,
I'll bear with it.
I believe in the future,
Things will be in our favor.
Good things are meant to be waited for aye? 
Yeap yeap,
I'm waiting.

I believe in miracles,
Do you?
I'm always hoping for miracles to happen,
Been long since I had one happening in my life.
I'm sure it'll come soon!

Alright I'll stop here,
Nothing much to blog about,
Just that I'm kinda worried for my results.
Have a great week ahead guys,

With a cherry on top?

Signing Off.

Friday, September 14, 2012


- Roar I'm here to eat 'cha!
- Noooooooooo!

Didn't feel like blogging for the past few days,
Maybe cause I hadn't had anything to talk about I guess.
It's rare for me to blog in the morning,
Cause I know I'll fail blogging at night for whatever reason that I do not know.
One thing's for sure,
The bed's always seductive.

Kinda starving right now.
Didn't had any dinner yesterday,
My last meal was 10 or 11 a.m. ?
Apparently I didn't had any appetite to eat.
Then when I got hungry there was no food to eat,
And I was lazy to cook.
Soooooooooooo oh well.
Will get down to buy some food when my girl goes for her lunch.

Really bored.
Reallyreallyreallyreally boring holidays.
I wish I had a job.
Too lazy to find one.
Maybe I'll start working out at home.
I'm fat.
No one likes fat people.
That's society.
Okay maybe I'm stereotyping too much,
Most* of the people don't like fat people.
No offence to people who're a little here and there.
Just remember that,
A true friend will never leave you when you're ugly on the outside.
If you're really nice,
Those extra weight serves as more protection for that golden heart of yours.
(Some are total jerks and bitches I know, doesn't apply to them)
I think a girl would be proud to have a fit boyf to walk with them on the streets.
I know some might not mind but,
It'll be a bonus.
I'll try my best,
I know that I'll easily give up when it comes to working out haha.

Sometimes I wonder if it's our mom's nature,
To come and fuel the fire with oil,
When you're already upset about something.
It always happens.
Unless you make it really obvious that you're upset,
Then they'll choose not to bug you.
Well I'll put up with it,
Even though I use those tones against her at times,
I know that she meant well.
Alright I'm not going to write about what's upsetting me.
Since I'm almost there to being fine again.
Don't wanna spark any thoughts.
Plus I'm quite tired of reiterating certain stuffs over and over.
It's okay,
I know what to do for it to not happen again.

I'm gonna stop here I guess.
I may or may not put up another post in the night.
We'll see!
Have a great weekend ahead readers!
Thank you for the time.
And I finally got my first tag from a complete stranger LOL!
I'm hitting 2000 pageviews as well,
I don't know if that's a lot or little but,
I feel a sense of accomplishment haha!
Goodbye peeps!


Signing Off.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



Another day at home,
Woke up early today just to specially have Mac breakfast.
Craved for it for ages!
Explored app store for new apps to toy with,
Getting bored,
Real bored.
I'm sooooooooooooooooooo bored right now oh my gosh.
I'm hungry as well,
But I'm trying my best not to have supper.
Hope someone invites me to play or something soon!
Or maybe I should just go to bed.
We'll see.
I miss some of my friends.
Those that really play a part in my life,
Be it now or before.
They made me who I am right now,
With their company and stuff like that.
The thought of how stupid we are when we're together just makes me laugh haha.
I have this sudden,
That when school starts,
I ain't screwing nothing no more.
I'll study,
I'll make regular notes,
I'll finish my work on due time.
I'll score good grades.
I'll make an impression.
I'll be the best I can be.
It's a promise to myself,
And a promise to someone.
I won't let anyone down.

My 3rd monthsary ended,
Just like that.
Was hoping I could see her later for lunch,
But yeah.
Looks like fate didn't had that on its calendar.
I hope it'll be coming anytime soon,
Very soon...
Cause I feel like I'm crumbling without her presence,
Right there by my side.
I'm missing too much,
Way too much.
Oh well,
You need to wait for good things aye?
Yea I'll wait,
Hopefully I don't die halfway hahaha.

Alright I'll end here,
Nothing much today.
Random stuff.
I'll go see what I can do.
Will be sleeping soon too I guess.
Have a great day ahead fellow readers!

Oh wait wait before I go,
Something for you guys,


Signing Off.

Monday, September 10, 2012

#37 - Chapter 3

Something for you readers again.
Sparks some memories aye? 

Been quite a normal day today.
I wonder why it doesn't feel like holidays at all.
I mean,
Aren't we supposed to be excited?
We're always dreading school,
Complaining about how we wanted school to end.
Now is the time when we're free,
Like totally.
It just doesn't feel like holidays at all.
I wonder why.

Time flies as well.
It's my 3rd monthsary with my girl when the clock hit 12 not long ago.
Feels like 3 years,
Maybe it's because we don't meet often.
The long distance relationship made our hearts fonder,
Too much.
Time slows down when you don't want it to,
Time flies when you want it to slow down.
What more hoping that time could freeze at the perfect moments?
Along with these,
Is what I think one of the most important thing to do in life.
Be careful about what you say to anybody special to you,
Because who knows,
The next day they might just vanish from existence.
Be happy for what you have,
And cherish.
Appreciate them,
Long for them,
And give them all your best in return.
It's all worth it.

Don't ever, EVER, regret the things you do.
Because when you do, 
It'll all be oh-so-late.

Life isn't always that bad.
How ironic,
Cause honestly I've already given up on life long ago.
Yeah it's my fault I know...
I admit that I don't know how to live life to the fullest.

One things for sure,
As long as I have that special someone in my life,
Life was never bad at all.
Though there might be ups and downs,
We'll still pull through.
We know it.

"Funny how we're mad at each other but we still love"

Yeah funny,
Funny how fate brought us together too.
With so much in common.
And all the coincidental things that happens.
Lots of 'em.

It's half past one in the midst of the night now.
I should be sleeping soon,
Someone would be unhappy if I hadn't haha.
Rest assured I'll go to bed.
I bet you readers know that I'm an owl.
I'm never sleeping early.
Love changes people.
People say love is blind.
I admit I am blinded.
Sight doesn't matter.
I still hear her heart,
Beating for me,
That's all that matters.
Alright time to stop writing haha.
It's nice to have a blog,
It's nice to know that there are so many readers reading this blog as well.
But why are you all so silent?
I have a tagboard for something lol!
Gotta hit the rag.
Have a great day ahead guys!

Happy 3rd Monthsary to you Dear,
I Love You,
                             You know I do. 

Signing Off.

#36 - Picture Says A Thousand Words

Just a short post, 
Felt like putting up pictures.
Will do a proper one later.






Friday, September 7, 2012

#35 - :)

It feels like the world.

It's a happy,
Very happy day.
I'm not going to let things like this ruin it.
I'll bear it alone,
So as to not worsen anything,
Nor break the happiness still existing in me.

Thanks for the day today,
It was a really productive day,
I hope I helped aye :) .
Movie was great,
Especially when it's with someone you love,
That warm touch when you're freezing,
Those kisses when the cinema is dark.
The embrace while watching a movie together.
All of 'em.
Meals were great,
I really love spending time eating with you.
I like it when we talk,
Heart-to-heart or random thoughts.
It's just so,

I really wish we can see each other,
Every single day.
Maybe not everyday.
Absence makes the heart fonder.
But more often,
I guess ?
We're always so happy,
Around with each other.
Even if either of us were to feel down,
We'll sure be able to cheer each other up.
Maybe in time,
What we really want,
Will be forged in reality,
Rather than living in our minds as fantasies.
Time will solve everything.
But we can't just rely on time,
People often use time,
As an excuse to stop themselves from trying.
With a little tinge of effort everyday,
Things will work out eventually!

I'm just keeping my happy thoughts up now.
Really don't wanna let anything else ruin this.
It's always so long,
Waiting for the time to be able to see you.
I will cherish those days.
I hope you do too :) .

You bet.


Something for you readers!

Had an awesome day at Kallang Leisure Park!
Although no ice-skating was involved,
It was planned initially,
But yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh,
Something cropped up and we had to cancel.
Spent practically the whole day over there with my girl!
I was freezing the whole day though,
Feel so lucky to have her warmth around me.

And yeah,
I'm gonna be blogging again.
Have lots of free time now.
Life was really hectic before my exams passed.
Kinda worried about my results too.
Guess what's over is over.
No point pondering.
Fuck Yeah !
Enjoy the crap out of it!
I'm gonna start working soon too,
Needa save up for some things in the future I guess.
And maybe for some 'wants' of mine!
Helping her with her work now,
I'm guessing I'll be heading to bed prettyyyyyyyyy soon.
I guess I'll stop here.
Nights y'all zombies!
Have a great holiday!

P.S. Jiayou on your work dear, laogong's here fer' ya! :D
Signing Off.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

#34 - I wonder

and there's one in there,
that kills you slowly,
from the inside,

I wonder, if it will become a habit one day.
I wonder, if you remember what you said.
I wonder, if you knew that it wasn't the first time.
I wonder, if you knew how curious I am.
I wonder, if you knew I felt insecure.
I wonder, if you think that there isn't a need anymore.
I just wonder, why do that dream pops up from time to time in my head.
Wondering, Stranded, Cravings for answers,
Not words, but actions.

I wonder, if it was a mistake ranting what I really am thinking here.
There is no where else to rant on.

I, just needed to let this out somewhere.
I feel much better now, 
It's sinking back into the bottom of my mind.
One day,
It'll surface again.
Then by that time,
I'll be back here again,
It's a vicious cycle.
Again and again.

But then again.
Maybe I'm just stupid....
Plain stupid.